Benetton Group

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Background Benetton Group S.p.A. was one of Europe's largest clothing brands in 1994, consisting of three main brands. United Colors of Benetton, which focused on men and women's clothing, was the largest of the three and comprised over 60% of sales for the Benetton Group. 012 United Colors of Benetton, which focuses on children under the age of 12, possessed 18.5% of sales. Sisley was the higher fashion brand in the group, though it consisted of less than 12% …

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…over the world. Benetton should continue with their international communication campaign. Outraged individuals are the ones that need to open their eyes and if the ads help to sell "jumpsuits" to a younger population because of a "rebel" factor, then at least that younger population has become aware of whatever issue Benetton has drawn to our attention. We need to continue moving forward in this day and age and Benetton knows how to achieve this.