Benefits of an increasing use of computers.

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Essay Database > Entertainment
What Benefits are Likely to Result from an Increasing use of Computers? A computer is a device that accepts information in the form of digitalized data and manipulates it for some result based on a program or sequence of instructionson how the data is to be processed . Modern computers inherently follow the ideas of the stored program laid out by John Von Neumann in 1945 . Essentially , the program is read by the computer one instruction at …

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…found by hackers who are waiting to steal these information. Hackers can also intercept our computer communications such as e-mails . Hence computers can only be used for workswith no secret information. Finally , it can be concluded that the increasing use of computers consists of both advantages and disadvantages . People who are computer literate will easily get a job and those who are illiterate might lose their jobs . Computers help us to save time and energy .