"Beneath the Glamour" Vienna's History and City Structure

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"Beneath the Glamour" Vienna's History and City Structure Urban Revitalization Research Project The inner core of Vienna is a dazzling, highly desirable area widely acclaimed for its cultural splendors. Historical museums and imperial palaces share the streets with high class housing and ornate coffee houses. This area has earned the city its well-deserved reputation as an international center of culture. However, contrary to what some may believe, the city as a whole is not quite …

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…Improving the housing conditions in the outskirts is impertenant if the land value is to rise. Some residential areas in districts 14,15, and 16 do not have plumbing. It is areas like these that need the help. The government needs to establish zoning laws to regulate development and property values. A city with such exemplary status in the arts world and that plays an immense role in history is worth being restored in all aspects and parts.