Ben Franklin

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Benjamin Franklin was born on January 17, 1706. His parents are named Josiah and Abiah Franklin. He lives with a family of 17 children. He's the youngest out of 10 boys. He lived on Milkstreet in Boston Massachusets. He went to elementry school for two years. He went to work for his brother James a printer in 1718. In 1724-1726, Governor William Keith of Pennsylvania, broke promises and left Benjamin stranded in London. He was a printer for a year …

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…Franklin helps Thomas Jefferson write the Declaration of Independence. In 1784, he enevnted glasses commenting that it helps him "hear'' better because he can now see the food on his plate and see the peoples' mouths open when they speak French. In 1785, he signs the treaty, then goes back to Philadalphia. When he was 81, he went to the Constitutional Convention and made important contributions. On the night of April 17, 1790, he dies when he was 84 in Philadalphia.