Beloved By Toni Morrison

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Beloved by Toni Morrison, is a piercing novel of powerful images, of captivating tenderness and constant self-abasement. The conflict is centered around the revages caused by slavery in America, which prompts the protagonist, sethe, to flee the ironically named Kentucky plantation, Sweet Home, in search of a life of diginty and freedom in the free state of Ohio. This contemporary novel succeeds in proving the immense prower of the spirit, the power of the memory …

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…and the furits that have been sown have been far-reaching. These fruits are firmly rooted and are still being harvested today. The Black family, the Black Woman and the Black Man, specifically, however, are still tring to recover from the seeds sown in Beloved, and salvation can only be achieved by doing just as Sethe had to do; by freeing her spirit to live on; not forgetting the past, but letting go of it's shakles.