Belle Boyd: Confederate Woman Spy

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Essay Database > Literature > Biographies
When a person today thinks of a spy, he or she normally pictures James Bond with a nice suit and big guns. Spies are not a new thing and do not exist only in this modern form. Spies have always existed in many different forms: one of the most important forms is a women spy. The best spies are people that would never be expected. Throughout history, women have been spies and the American Civil …

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…same amount of accuracy and effectiveness. She was an attractive woman who used her charm and intelligence to be on of the greatest spies during the infamous Civil War and maybe throughout all of American History. She is a woman to be honored. "On her [Belle Boyd] grave, as on that of a gallant enemy, a wreath has been laid annually by the Grand Army of the Republic" (A Spy, Belle Boyd, Joins the Heroines 20).