Being an American between first and second generation immigrants.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
For those who are born in America, the definition of being an American is not a difficult question. For first generation immigrants conflicted between loyalty to their native country and desire to belong in the new world, it is an extremely difficult question that never gives the same answer twice. Events and experience of the characters in the Bread Givers constantly shape and reshape their own definition of being a true American. For the older …

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…a daughter, but out of care and respect for another person. The decision was made willingly. Sara has come a long way from the rebellious youth selling herring on Hester Street to a young independent woman aware and in control of herself. Through her development Yezierska presented her definition of being truly American. Sara clearly demonstrates that an American values one's individuality and freedom, but is at the same time willing to change if necessary.