Being a sucessful basketball player

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Accounting
Successful Basketball Players It is opening night in the Ventura College gymnasium. My heart is pounding, my body is sweating. It's my first game and I'm going to give everybody a taste of how I play basketball. My coach yells, "Stetson, go check in!" I am out of my seat. Three minutes later, gasping for air, I am trying to run to the other half of the court. My legs are giving up, and my …

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…the additional benefits. A player that dedicates themselves to a regular course of training, exercise, and diet should result into a season of high performance and satisfaction. Great basketball players know that the most important season is the off-season. Being committed develops and athlete, not just on the court but in other areas of life to. These qualities carry a person through life in business, and personal relationships, and helps them to develop positive character.