Being From Where?

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Pages: 3
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Essay Database > Society & Culture > People
"Being from where?" Where do we come from? It is a question many people cannot answer. Some people are born in one country and live in another, have different cultures and backgrounds. Therefore, cultural differences can be hard to incorporate in the development of our lives. I will show through the use of the "The Good Daughter," by Caroline Hwang, the special pressures and demands on the children of immigrants. The parent child-relationship influences in …

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…way. Finally, immigrating to a different country involves many things like living and dealing with the conflicts and pressures that a foreign country demands. From my point of view families that immigrate to a different country should realize that once they arrive to The United States their culture and customs will not be the same. This means that they will have to face barriers to become an active member of the American culture. Word count 755