Behing The Mind Of Antigone

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Behind The Mind of Antigone <Tab/>In Antigone by Sophocles, two characters go to the extreme in standing behind their beliefs. Unfortunately going to the extreme can lead to costly and tragic mistakes. Antigone discovers this first hand when fate takes its ultimate toll. Antigone, like many people, has hundreds of traits that define her character. These traits decide her fate, and push her towards certain doom. However, only two of …

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…she also acts upon these thoughts before thinking them through. However, in her mind she is doing the right thing despite other people's differences in values. So perhaps her loyalty blinds her to other people's priorities and this is how fate drew her nearer to her death. Whatever the case Antigone's greatest qualities were also this tragic hero's major flaws and that's why she was tagged for a tragic fate. <Tab/>