Behind the Curtain of the Clinic.

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Essay Database > Literature > Poetry
"Keep his head cool! Let's go!" My mother strained her voice above the cries of the boy and his parents as they prepared to leave for the hospital. Sitting uncomfortably on the bed, I peered through the small holes on the white curtain at the aging farmers with panicked eyes. A cold wind rushed in as my mother opened the door and ushered them out of the Hanoi Emergency Clinic, where she received cases during …

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…brought us to America. Now, a student at Tulane University on a full scholarship, she does not have to suffer from any more restless nights. But the awareness of cheap knowledge and of opportunities has become our reality. Like her, I want to get an education and struggle out of the old path. I want to be a part of Vietnam's changing force, not just a spectator, blindfolded behind the outworn white curtain of fantasies.