Behavior Development in Violence

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
Behavior Development in Violence Thirteen innocent lives had been taken from Littleton, Colorado's high school in April 1999. Many more lives could have been taken, but why did two young teens commit suicide after killing twelve fellow students and an inspiring teacher? "Coach Sanders, I love you and I will miss you," senior Amber Burgess told the crowd. "I know that each day your memory will push me to become a better person and live my …

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…the impact of exposure to violence and victimization, they will need to staff their buildings with appropriately trained mental health professionals who will be consistently available to students and staff (who are also exposed to violence and victimized too) to provide support, counseling, screening and identification, and intervention. Mental health services should not be considered a luxury that schools cannot afford, but an integral part of the basic services provided to all students and staff.