Beginning a Online Storefront Plan

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Pages: 2
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Essay Database > Literature > English
Introduction As more and more businesses move online, it becomes increasingly important for a company to have vision, scope, and strategic decision-making. A sharp online vision and a well-defined business plan are critical for starting a successful online store. The objective of the paper is to make a business plan for an online storefront implementation. The business I have chosen is online airline ticket booking service. The site will be business-to-consumer storefront. It offers a …

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…our storefront design and how internal management to undertake the project. We aim to build a site that conforms to the expectations and demands of our customers. We would like to establish an effective and customer-friendly interface to let customers navigate throughout the site easily. Because how the site looks is the first impression to customers we will attempt to make a manageable and easy-to-read format atmosphere in attracting and holding the attention of customers.