Becks musical genius

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Music
Music is central to my life. Without music, the world would be naked, cold, and quiet. Music can set the rhythm for a long day of work, the mood for a date, for a party, for your whole life. It can wrap you in a blanket of comfort when you are lonely, or inspire you when you are down. Music is a vehicle for expressing love, telling a story, or showing happiness. My love for …

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…late November. According to a review of Beck's new album in CMJ, a music review magazine, "The one overriding element of this record is the embracing of sexuality in all its colors, from fuchsia to chromium (Rotondi)." To fully understand Beck and his absurdity you must willingly listen to his lyrics with an open mind, and then, I hope, you will begin to appreciate the genius that lies behind the cherubic, adolescent face of Beck.