Beauty Queen

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Biology
I am 9 years old and already bored with life in general, every one of my friends had already chosen wonderful things to do with themselves for the rest of forever. Anne wanted to be a vet and save lives all the time. Crystal was going to be a star soccer player and Becky was planning on being the president of her own brand-new country. I had no idea. I come home from school after a …

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…for best smile, best personality, most photogenic, and the title of Ms. Dream girl. Then ( To my Mom's astonishment) I was crowned Ms. Apple Valley. In pageants afterwards I won three other titles, two overall titles and a total of 23. Dreams do come true. This is a true story but unless your doing a report on me LOL then just pretend its fiction. NOTE: I like knowing my grades ( : plz email me with teacher comments.