Be Like Che

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Essay Database > History
The children attending school in Cuba pledge "We will be like Che" everyday since the execution of Ernesto Che Guevara. Che is remembered for his intentions of liberating Latin America and uniting it against its oppressors. His life was dedicated to revolution. Che's intelligence enabled him to become one of the most memorable revolutionary leaders that Latin America has had. His diaries on guerilla warfare are studied around the world. <Tab/>…

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…twenty-eight years after their murder. Che's remains are currently in Santa Clara. Ernesto "Che" Guevara is, for many, a symbol of revolution. The children in Cuba chant, "We will be like Che" in the classrooms. The Cuban people live a better life than they had when the dictator Bastista ruled with an iron fist. Che was a man of vision. He lived the life of a revolutionary. He died in his eyes, an honorably death.