Battleship New Jersey

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Essay Database > History
Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships entry for BB-62 Webmasters' Note: The Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships covers the history of the New Jersey only until the publication of the book in 1970. We hope to add a separate section of this web page that will cover the period 1982-1991. From: DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN NAVAL FIGHTING SHIPS, James L. Mooney, ed., Naval Historical Center, Department of the Navy, Washington, DC., 1970 Transcribed and edited by: Larry …

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…to ready herself for decommissioning. On 17 December 1969 NEW JERSEY's colors were hauled down and she entered the inactive fleet, still echoing the words of her last commanding officer: "Rest well, yet sleep lightly; and hear the call, if again sounded, to provide fire power for freedom." NEW JERSEY earned the Navy Unit Commendation for Vietnam service. She has received nine battle stars for World War II; four for the Korean conflict; and two for Vietnam.