Battles of the Sandinistas and how US involvement helped neither side.

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Essay Database > Law & Government > International
Did Anyone Win the War in Nicaragua? Why was it that during Reagan's years as president he spent to much time, money and effort in Nicaragua, when the only thing it affected was the amount of money US companies could profit from. They post no threat of terrorism on US soil, and there were plenty of other crises in the world at the time. Why was there so much emphasis on fighting the Sandinistas? They …

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…source. Benjamin, Alan . Nicaragua: Dynamics of an Unfinished Revolution. San Francisco: Walnut Publishing Company, 1989. <Tab/>This book was not extremely useful to me seeing that it focused a lot on fiscal matters and policies. It isn't, in my opinion, a very good way to evaluate a countries' success based upon almost solely its economic state. It didn't even mention things about national healthcare and the extreme educational reforms which took place.