Battle of the Beasts: What is the Best Truck on the Road

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Economics
<Tab/>The battle among truck manufacturers will finally come to an end. Who makes the best half-ton pick-up truck; Dodge, Ford, or Chevrolet? That question has been in the minds of manufacturers and consumers for many years. The basis of the evaluation on these vehicles is primarily based on structural safety, power, environmental safety, and how economical the vehicle is. <Tab/>All three of these vehicles get …

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…a truck based on price, buy a Dodge. If you want to buy a truck based on quality, buy a Chevy. Mead, Scott. "Half-ton Torture Test." Truck Trend. P 44-49: <Tab/>Oct 2001. "New Vehicle Reviews." <Tab/> "Vehicle Characteristics" <Tab/> "Vehicle Safety". <Tab/>