Battle between Husband And Wife A Review on the First Part of <Sons And Lovers>

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<Sons And Lovers> was D.H.Laawrence's first major novel.His only major novel,some would say.I have finished reading it during the winter holiday.For I am not quite sure that I understand the novel enough to depict the complicated relationship between Paul and his possesive mother,so I would like to pay attention mainly to the Part One of the novel in this review,especially "the battle between …

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…curses,and sweated and finally exhausted,must give up the impossible task.Ther is one important difference between Walter's labor and his wife.While Morel struggles fruitlessly to a cold lifeless rock ,Gertrude's struggle produces a warm,living child.That illustrates the cause of the unsolvable dispute between the couple and explains the reasons for Morel's often extreme actions. Above is my'interpretation' and understanding of Part One of <Sons And Lovers>.