"Battered Wives, Shattered Lives"

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
I will provide you a review of the 1985 movie "Battered Wives, Shattered Lives", narrated by Mr. Ed Asner. The movie sheds some light on numerous cases and instances of domestic violence and the battering of women. The states of New Jersey, Minnesota, and Alaska have taken action to recognize the domestic violence issues and taken action to hold the abusers accountable for their unjust actions. Abuse was said to be actions involving beating and chocking. …

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…peaceful society. In conclusion, I understand that domestic violence is not tolerated in society and the legal system must stand firm on the issue of abuse. Individuals have rights and they must be equally respected. Through educational intervention and preventive measures, we can kick this social problem. <Tab/> Bibliography 1.<Tab/>Asner, Ed, Narrator 2.<Tab/>Men's Group 3.<Tab/>Rapp, Victim