Basic elements of structure and word categories.

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
HEAD the element of any construction that must be present in order for the element to occur: Noun in Noun Phrases [NP], Verb in Verb Phrases [VP], Adjective in Adjective Phrases [AP], Adverb in Adverb Phrases [AVP], Preposition in Prepositional Phrases [PP]. *head can be ellipted (left out), but it's reference will normally be recoverable from context. * determine what other elements can co-occur in the phrase in terms of class, function/role and features SPECIFIER *…

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…as in give me the book, give me that. CONJUNCTIONS are of three general types: *(1) co-ordinating conjunctions such as and/or/but which can be used to co-ordinate words, phrases, and clauses; *(2) subordinating conjunctions such because, if, although, in order, so that which are used to sub-ordinate one phrase or clause in relation to another; * (3 ) sentence conjunctions such as however, moreover, nevertheless and so on which indicate logical relationships between independent sentences and prior discourse.