Basic Essay on Voting Systems

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Civil Rights
Nicholas Stryker October 1, 2002+ Paper #2 There are three different types of voting systems. One is majority rule in which one must receive greater than fifty percent in order to win the election. The second is plurality which allows you to win an election with more votes than any other candidate without receiving more than fifty percent. The final voting system is proportionality which awards the political party seats equivalent to the number of votes received. Majority …

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…they will keep oppressing the black minority. While proportionality would promote a fairer voting system and would allow for some type of minority representation, this is not the case in Phillips County. In a racially oppressive society only the strong will survive. In a voting system that is majority rule it allows the majority to control one-hundred percent of the representation and to refuse itself about minority preferences and to even ignore them (Lani Guinier 343).