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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports
Baseball's Development Into America's National Pastime In an era when people worked extremely hard day in and day out, to only make a meager living, people searched for something more. Men would work endlessly long hours and seek anything to release their tension. They would long for a hobby , or as some would say, a pastime. However, here in the United states there was yet to be such a thing. Americans desired a game to …

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…the Evolution of the Ballpark. New York, Boston: Houghtan Mifflin Co., 1993. Helyar, John. Lords of the Realm. New York: Villard Books, 1994. Holway, John. The Complete Book of Baseball's Negro Leagues: The Other Half of Baseball history. Florida: Hastings House Publishers, 2001. Honig, Donald. Baseball America. New York: Galahad Books, 1993. James, Bill. The Bill James Guide to Baseball Managers. New York: Scribner, 1997. Ward,Geoffrey C. and Burns, Ken. Baseball an Illustrated History. New York: Alfred A. Knoff, 1994.