Bartolomeo Manfredi

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Essay Database > Literature > English
The first artist I have chosen is Bartolomeo Manfredi (1582 - 1622). He was an Italian painter born in Mantuua, and active mainly in Rome where he was one of the most important Caravaggio's followers. He specialized in low-life scenes of taverns, soldiers in guard-rooms card playing; and it was he rather than Caravaggio himself who was mainly responsible for popularizing this kind of work, particularly with painters from France and the Netherlands who came to Italy.(1) "…

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…message the artist is saying: Mars the "God of War" if he could, would chastise Cupid for his affair with Venus, and he depicts a very clear picture of how that event would take place at the moment Mars confronts Cupid. I loved the painting, and I could imagine chastising Cupid for a few things myself. Manfredi captured the moment beautifully, and I'm almost sure that painting is timeless and speaks for many situations today.