Bartleby the Scrivener

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
Bartleby the Scrivener died of sadness, feeling trapped and completely without place in the programmed society that had developed around him. Furthermore, he fell victim to his own desire to resist the mindless description that characters like the narrator achieved so effortlessly. Bartleby's death plainly points to Melville's dissatisfied view of the modern world; a world where strength comes from weakness and flexibility, and where the naturally weak overpower the strong. In addition, to define …

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…a respectable trait that points to a sympathetic, romantic character. In conclusion, some readers may seem to read Bartleby as a romantic character who falls victim to a society that rejects his values. However, I think Bartleby does not represent a complete portrait of a romantic individual. But, he is the product of confused humanity caused by the modern, programmed, demanding society that has divided his soul and packaged it out to those around him!