Barth Syndrome

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Barth Syndrome Barth Syndrome is a genetic disorder that only effect males. It is an X-linked ressive genetic condition. A mother that carries the genetic code for Barth Syndrome will never show signs or symptoms of it. She will always pass it to her daughters, and will have a fifty- percent chance of passing it to her sons. The daughters will never show any signs or symptoms either. Barth Syndrome only effects only the males. …

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…myocardial function was deemed nearly normal. Then after an oral pantothenal was given. Since a specific enzyme is not always the same, doctors have to do a trail and error test on their patients. The earlier it is caught the easier it is to treat. In conclusion Barth Syndrome is a very deadly genetic disorder. If it is not treated, the chances of death are very high, almost guaranteed, with in the first few years.