Barefoot in the Park Production History

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Nick Karman TH 105 Prof. Lotsof Apr 12, 2002 PRODUCTION HISTORY Barefoot in the Park by Marvin Neil Simon was written in 1963 and published by Random House in June 1964 (Tan Because of its popularity, it was also made into a screenplay in 1967 (Tan). Simon said that he started writing this play about his first wife, Joan (Wolfer & Nelson Joan and …

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…Neil Simon as Compared to His Own Commentaries on Drama. [Provo, UT: Brigham Young University, 1977], 101.) Probably the best reaction in the whole production when it was beginning was that of Simon himself. "My heart sank as I reread the first fifty-two pages I had left on my desk three weeks before. It didn't seem funny this time. Who rewrote it while I was gone?" (Neil Simon, Rewrites: A Memoir [New York: Simon and Schuster, 1996], 108-109.)