Barbie Q

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Themes Involving the Poor Using "Barbie-Q" by Sandra Cisneros Main Paper | Works Cited | Outline | A child's world usually revolves around having fun and playing with toys. Before a child enters school, toys can be anything from a pot and a spoon to something bought at the toy store. After a child enters school, toys become the defining idea of who "fit's in" and who is left as an outsider. The better your toys, especially the …

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…either accept not having the toy or get a used one. B. Most middle to upper class children will wait until the money is available to the family; lower class children are more likely to accept the used toy. C. The girl in "Barbie-Q" sums up this idea when talking about a Barbie with a slightly melted foot. She declares, "so long as you don't lift her dress, right? -- who's to know" (219). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**