Barbara Kingsolver's "The Bean Trees".

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Taylor Greer Taylor Greer - stubborn, free - spirited, and independent. In Barbara Kingsolver's The Bean Trees, we witness much of this character's growth as she gains knowledge of the world around her. In the beginning of the story, Taylor leaves her home in Kentucky on a search to find a new life, and on the way picks up an abused baby girl, named Turtle, in need of a good home. Taylor, being a new …

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…not how horrible her life was, but how instead it was a blessing. The world has a lot to learn when it comes to facts about life and what goes on, and if people could only open their eyes, like Taylor eventually did, and realize what was happening, or if they could even be more grateful for what they have, the world - my world, your world, OUR world, would be a much better place.