Banning Cigarettes

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Each year, the U.S. government passes numerous laws to protect its citizens. Yet, one perfectly legal product manages to seize over 400,000 American lives annually (American Lung Association, "American"). Despite the efforts of the U.S. government to protect its citizens, the government continues to ignore the single most preventable cause of premature deaths. The vicious culprit attributed to these deaths is the common cigarette. Death, however, is not the only transgression cigarettes are responsible …

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…Lung Association. "American Lung Association Fact Sheet Smoking." Sept. 1999. 27 Oct. 1999 <>. - - -. "Major Air Pollutants." n.d. 28 Oct. 1999 <>. "No Butts About It, Use an Ash Tray." Jan. 1996. 28 Oct. 1999 <>. Tobacco Free Kansas Coaltion Inc. "Tobacco Facts: Economic Impact Of Smoking In the Workplace." 1999. 16 Oct. 1999 <>.