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Essay Database > Entertainment > Movies & Film
Bamboozled The days of blackface minstrel troupes may seem like ancient history to most Americans, but Spike Lee wants to refresh our memory. Spike Lee is onto something when he looks to the days of blackface minstrel troupes to help us understand race in today's America. With Bamboozled, Hollywood's most reliable provocateur is saying we haven't come as far as we think. In Bamboozled, Damon Wayans plays well-mannered Harvard alumni Pierre Delacroix, a black TV …

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…although the white oppressors did put the chains on Black Americans, it is this notion of selling out that is keeping those chains in place. Bamboozled illustrates this perfectly. Not only was Man Tan thrown out by the white execs, but also killed by his own people. In order to achieve unity Afrcan- Americans must be more me more willing to help each other out, instead of being so quick to shoot each other down.