Badges of the Holocaust

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > People
Badges of the Holocaust Life continually act it self out over and over again. I hope this is the right saying for what I am thinking. I never thought about the fact the Nazi's system of labeling prisoner of the Holocaust affects us today and most are not even aware of it. Let me begin by giving you some background of what I am talking about. See if you agree. The concentration camp was one …

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…System mBadges of Holocaust Günter Grau, (editor), (1995), "Hidden Holocaust? Gay and lesbian persecution in Germany 1933-45", with a contribution by Claudia Schoppmann, Cassell, 288 pages, ISBN 0304329584 (hardcover)/0304329568 (paperback) Heinz Heger, (1980), "The men with the pink triangle", Gay Men's Press, 117 pages, ISBN 0907040039, SBU Library Main Bookstock 365.45092