Bacterial Resistance.
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Pages: 3
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Pages: 3
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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Biology
Bacterial Resistance Some bacteria are getting tougher to kill. The usual treatments are not working as well or worst yet, not working at all. Such bacteria are said to be resistant. Bacterial resistance has become a worldwide problem that impacted the medical field. Bacterial resistance occurs when the bacteria becomes resistant to the individual antibiotic. This problem has become more prevalent in recent years. We are losing the battle on the increasing resistant bacteria, often
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medical problems just have to run it's course. Patients have to start following the advice of their doctor and follow antibiotic dosage directions that are given to them. The CDC and other health organizations are developing guidelines for the use of antibiotics in hospitals, but unless these guidelines are enforced, it will be useless. Bacterial resistance has become the focus of many scientist in recent years and it will continue being monitored with extreme concern.
medical problems just have to run it's course. Patients have to start following the advice of their doctor and follow antibiotic dosage directions that are given to them. The CDC and other health organizations are developing guidelines for the use of antibiotics in hospitals, but unless these guidelines are enforced, it will be useless. Bacterial resistance has become the focus of many scientist in recent years and it will continue being monitored with extreme concern.