Bacterial Cell Replication and cell changes/stages summarized.
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Pages: 4
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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Biology
Bacterial Cell Replication Binary fission is the normal method of replication among bacteria; in this method of cell replication, the bacterial cells simply increase their cell mass slightly, replicate their cellular genome (DNA) and several other cell components, and then each cell divides equally into two cells.
Binary fission as a method of cell replication is very efficient, with division possible every 5 or 10 minutes! Consider the number of cells formed from 1 cell that divides every 10
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will not cause any significant harm. Malignant tumors, that are cancers, are cell growths where the cells are replicating without any inhibition of cell growth, and they will cause death to the organism if allowed to continue growing. Carcinogens Agents that can trigger cells to become tumorous include: environmental carcinogens in food, water, or air; cancer-causing genes called oncogenes that are transmitted by certain viruses; and inherent oncogenes, triggered by repeated trauma to a cell.
will not cause any significant harm. Malignant tumors, that are cancers, are cell growths where the cells are replicating without any inhibition of cell growth, and they will cause death to the organism if allowed to continue growing. Carcinogens Agents that can trigger cells to become tumorous include: environmental carcinogens in food, water, or air; cancer-causing genes called oncogenes that are transmitted by certain viruses; and inherent oncogenes, triggered by repeated trauma to a cell.