Bacteria and Antibiotic Lab Write Up

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Biology
I. Overview The goals of the Bacteria and antibiotic lab are to observe the effect of five different types of antibiotics on the growth pattern of several different strains of bacteria. Also, individually each person will learn and practice aseptic technique in bacterial culture. Each group in the class will test out antibiotics on a different strain of bacteria, and the class data will be compiled and examined. II. Procedure I followed the given procedure …

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…no antibiotic to use against that strain of bacteria. So this is why scientists are constantly searching for new antibiotics, and the need for them is rising because bacterial strains are becoming resistant to certain antibiotics faster and faster due to millions of people using them. From this lab, I have learned about how antibiotics fight various bacterial strains, and how certain antibiotics are more effective at inhibiting the growth of a certain bacterial strain.