Bacchism in Chinese Love Stories

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
"Ren's Story", "Ying-Ying's Story", and "Du Tenth" are Chinese love stories that show the relationship between passionate love and conformation to social norms. These stories show the traditional roles of men and women from the past of China and how love is sometimes blinded by things such as money, control, and the want to be accepted in society. Although from a different time and culture, the moral lessons and themes from these stories can be …

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…idea of love and traditional role of a woman in the beginning, she allowed the readers to see her true strengths towards the end of the story. Du-Tenth, although empowered by the jewel box, which symbolized her economic freedom, she chose to throw it away, thus destroying the bind of money, power and respect. Such a passive-aggressive act proved her to be just as violent and determined as the Bacchae women of their own fate.