Baby Boomers

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Management
No generational group is quite like that of the Baby Boomers. Seventy- eight million people belong to this unique, history-making bunch. To better understand how the Baby Boomers have impacted society, it is necessary to explore the defining events and moments, in addition to the distinct characteristics, that have set them apart from the rest. Baby Boomers have learned to persevere through struggle. Born in the prosperous post World War II period, this group has …

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…How to make your practice attractive to Baby Boomers." Urology Times. Nov. 1999. pg 18. (EBSCO Host) 2.<Tab/>Hanks, Roma. "Baby Boomers Influence." Harbinger. 16 March 1999. Mobile, AL. 3.<Tab/>"Baby Boomers: Know this Consumer." Missouri Small Business Development Center. 11 July 2006. Http:// . 4.<Tab/>"Baby Boomer." Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. P.1-5. 10 July 2006. Http://