Babe Ruth

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Essay Database > History
George Herman Ruth (1895-1948), also known as Babe Ruth, was an American professional baseball player, one of the most gifted and popular players in the history of baseball. While Ruth was playing for the New York Yankees in the 1920s and 1930s, his legendary home run's dominated the nations pastime. With millions of fans he is said to be one of the greatest sports heroes of American and Canadian culture. Babe Ruth with the usual …

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…monstrous drive over the roof of the Pittsburgh Pirates' Forbes Field. His career total of 714 home runs stood as a major league record until 1974, when Hank Aaron of the Atlanta Braves topped it. Ruth lived in an era in which home run hitting became an important part of baseball, and his charismatic presence filled stadiums all around the country. For many baseball fans, the Babe remains the greatest all-around player the game has ever known.