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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Zoology
A brief history of the BNP The BNP was founded in 1982 by ex-members of the National Front led by John Tyndall with the aim of building an openly neo-Nazi party. John Tyndall, the leader of the BNP, said: "Mein Kampf [Hitler's autobiography] is my bible," and described his idea of a BNP dictatorship in Britain: "Racial laws will be enacted forbidding marriage between Britons and non-Aryans: medical measures will be taken to prevent procreation on …

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…they support workers' co-operatives and trade unions but oppose the union leaders. Many of the BNP's key activists are hardened neo-Nazis, many of whom are still actively linked to organisations like C18. Despite this, they are making serious attempts to broaden their appeal and become a credible far-right party rather than a small, isolated neo-Nazi group. However this will be very difficult for them to achieve, particularly if the movement built against them is strong.