BMW Group Management, Market and Strategy Analysis

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BMW GROUP OVERWIEW BMW was founded in 1916 as an aircraft-engine factory in Munich. In 1923 BMW builds first motorcycle. In 1928 BMW bought the car factory at Eisenach, Thuringia with the license to build a small car called the Dixi. This first BMW car was developed in Munich, like all other BMW products. In 1932 BMW 3/20 was developed in Munich, in 1933 - 6 cylinder's BMW 303. Until second World War BMW showed active growth in all three branches: automobile, aero …

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…amp;lt;Tab/>16%<Tab/>13% ROI (EBIT/assets)<Tab/>2.48%<Tab/>3.03% DUPONT ANALYSIS /ROI (EBIT/sales x sales/assets)<Tab/>2.71% X 0.92<Tab/>6.12% X 0.50 ROE (net profit/equity) before extraordinary result<Tab/>16.86%<Tab/>26% ROE (after extraordinary result)<Tab/>-63.25%<Tab/>