BLAKE, Songs of innocence and Experience: From reading of the 'Songs', to what extent do you find Blake a man of his time?

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
William Blake was born in 1757, the third son of a London tradesman who sold knitwear (hosier). Blake lived in London which dominated much of his work. He was a British poet, painter, and engraver, who illustrated and printed his own books. He spent most of his life in relative poverty. He was very influenced by his brother's death which he claimed he saw "ascend heavenward clapping its hands for joy" who died of consumption at …

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…of the church seem to be of the late 18th century because there is still racism and social injustice. We are still indoctrinated but in many different ways by adverts, media, technology and government etc. Blake's poems in the Songs of innocence and Experience can relate to his time but also modern society. His psychic and emotional views about the society he describes are relevant to the 18th century, but they are also relevant today.