Away by Micheal Gow - Staging

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Drama is a genre that is deliberately written for performance and, therefore, the reader's understanding of the characters and issues is always improved by its staging. Explain how your understanding of Away was affected by your understanding of staging "Does art imitate reality, or reality, art?" (Aristotle). The Australian play, Away, by Michael Gow, can be interpreted as a form or art capturing patterns and aspects of reality, trying to make sense of the chaos …

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…setting and view of the situation. Lighting can present the issues of love, acceptance and change and could demonstrate the transformation of the characters relationships. Through various conventions of stage, through performance, Away is presented to the audience as a play that reflects the ability of people to change, through the intervention of nature, and confronts the Shakespearean themes of love, loss and family. Away features the concept that art imitates reality and reality, art.