Avoiding Shark Attacks

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Geography
Sharks are unpredictable, and any time you are in waist-deep ocean waters you are in shark country. Sharks rarely attack people, but a few simple precautions can help you reduce the already slight risk. When in shark waters but no shark is in sight, look out for fins. If you see one fin cutting through the water, that is likely a dolphin. Two fins--one behind the other--are more likely to be a shark, with its …

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…them for typical prey, such as sea lions. Fishermen catching sharks are the most frequent victims of shark bite. Divers who swim too close or try to ride sharks are the next most frequently attacked group. Sport and commercial fishermen kill perhaps 100 million sharks yearly. Coastal development and pollution are reducing fish populations that sharks depend on for food and also are destroying shark breeding areas, likely accounting for the lives of many more sharks.