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Essay Database > Literature > English
Aviation History As long ago as 1884 a machine weighing 8,000 pounds demonstrated its power both to lift itself from the ground and to maintain a speed of from 30 to 40 miles per hour, but failed of success owing to the inability to balance and steer it properly. Engineers have, until recent years, fought shy of anything relating to aerial navigation. Those who ventured, in studying was satified knowing the greatest obstacle in the way was the lack …

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…Boeing 737-700s, rented Boeing 727s have been used for expansion of the routes. A merger was proposed between Western Pacific and Frontier in October of 1997. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography** Biblography Http://avstop.com/history/historyofaviation/33.htm The First Aviators by Curtis Prendergast & Editors of Time-Life Books Time-Life Books; Alexandera, Virginia; 1980. The Invention of the Aeroplane 1799-1909 Charles H. Gibbs-Smith Taplinger Publishing Co; New York, New York;1966. Delta Airlines News Digest April 5, 1999 Delta Airlines News Digest April 19, 1999