Avian Flu and the Food Service Industry: Implications and Assessment.

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Overview If there is one buzzword doing the round these days, and which serves as a grim reminder to the 1918 flu pandemic, it is the looming threat of the new Avian flu virus. According to Brian Handwerk in his column for the National Geographic News, scientists have managed to reconstruct the genetic code of the deadly 1918 Spanish Flu and have come out with a startling conclusion, namely that the 1918 virus strain developed in birds then …

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…both provincial and federal will take all the necessary steps to ensure that the flu remains out of this land, it is incumbent on food service operators and the employees working in the industry to ensure that they follow all the procedures necessary to maintain food safety. This is the only way to keep off limits, a virus which is touted to be the biggest pandemic to afflict the human population in a long time.