Author of Book "Susan Hill".

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
How the author creates suspense and tension. The two extracts I have chosen are Across The Causeway page sixty-five to sixty seven and Whistle And I'll Come to You pages one hundred and twenty four to one hundred and twenty seven. In the extract from Across The Causeway Kipps sees the Woman in Black for the second time but when he sees her this time the Woman in Black has a look of pure malevolence …

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…his plight. Even after Kipps has emotionally broken and he is being comforted by Spider, Kipps can still hear the wailing child across the marshes, This adds to the suspense and tension because it gives the reader an image of unrelenting pain and haunting. This haunting encounter may be shorter and quicker than the first extract but it is just as, if not, more intense and full of tension and suspense as the first extract.