Australia's reputation and national identity

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Alternative Medicine
Australia has followed their mother land (Britain) into every arising war even before it became the commonwealth of Australia. Australia had an allegiance with Britain so it and its people did what they could to support Britain. When Joseph Benedict Chifley became the prime minister of Australia, Australia's alliances started to change. From around 1945 Australia started to become known as an alliance of America more so than one of its motherland England. One of the …

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…it has made Australia what it is today. Our involvement in wars has put us on the map. If we hadn't been involved in them Australia could still be, to an extent, a small Commonwealth with heavy influence from Britain. While a lot of people argue that we now have influence from America, and we do, but we have more independence than ever before. Australia's reputation is specifically Australian, not British, not American, but Australian.