Australia's relations with Asia

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Essay Database > History
Australia's relationship with Asia has changed dramatically since federation in 1901. There was great suspicion and fear over communism spreading to our shores, because of this we were taken into combat with British and US forces During the 1940's until roughly the 1970's (more specifically 1975) several times fighting against Asian countries. Great changes had occurred by the 1970's when Australia started to export to Japan. Since then onwards, great relations have formed in such areas as …

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…have shown that on our own, we can fight and obtain security for our land and citizens. Australia's economic independence and connection with Asia shows a close relationship between Australian society and societies in Asia, evermore so than the close relations we once had Britain. All these changes have taken an extremely long time, but in retrospective have proven to be for the better of our countries economy and relations with other cultures, mainly Asia.