Australia's Involvement in the Vietnam War

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Essay Database > History
The origins of the Vietnam War lie in the post World War II period when the European empires were being dismantled. The region which is now Vietnam was then part of Indo-China, part of the French empire. Revolutionary leader Ho Chi Minh had led a national liberation struggle against wartime Japanese occupation (and the French colonialists) from 1941. With military and financial support from communist China, the Viet Minh made substantial gains, roundly defeating the French …

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…partly in response to the continuing failure of the American military effort, the Liberal Party government gradually lessened its commitment and withdrew troops. Finally with the election of the Whitlam Labor government in 1972, the last of the troops were brought home. The United States continued its bombing campaign but in turn was forced to withdraw under the pressure of military failure on the ground and nationwide opposition at home. North Vietnamese troops took Saigon in 1975.